Andre Burov
Plastic surgeon
Training In 1978 he graduated from the Odessa Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogov. From 1978 to 1998 he worked as a surgeon in various clinical hospitals in Odessa and St. Petersburg. In 1993 he defended his thesis in surgery. In 1996, he underwent surgery in the UK at the Royal Hospital of Hampshire in Winchester. In 1998, he studied at the…

Elena Lugunova
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Alexander Yampol
ENT surgeon, doctor of the highest category
Обучения 2006 г. — окончил Киевский национальный медицинский университет имени А.А. Богомольца по специальности лечебное дело. Проходил интернатуру на базе Киевской городской клинической больницы № 12 по специальности — оториноларингология, после чего работал ЛОР-врачом стационарного отделения КГКБ № 12, был врачом ургентных дежурств по городу. В целях профессионального совершенствования прошёл подготовку по специальности оториноларингология, а также по онкопатологии ЛОР органов…

Oksana Mashchenko
Dermatologist, Cosmetologist

Elena Chernega
Doctor of Podology
Education: Member of the Association of Plasma Therapy and Regenerative Techniques. Gevol Hardware Pedicure School School of hardware pedicure "Zyuda" Intelligent hardware pedicure from Olga Tumanova. Studying in Spain, Germany, Poland. Priority areas of activity: To follow...

Olga Gnatenko
Doctor of Gynecology

Ester Elenberh

Larisa Kozhukhova
Doctor of Dermacosmetology

Sergey Voronovsky
Doctor of Dermatology

Peter Sitnik
Vascular surgeon, phlebologist